Anti Karen
I will not allow this entitled anti masker woman (woman 1 see this for a better pic of her ) who was rightfully booted from the flight to fly on an airplane for 15 years. I know the entitled anti masker woman 1's name, social media accounts and her address. I track her daily life via social media and each time I find out she has a flight booked, I will go to whatever airport she is flying out of and I will each time physically prevent her from boarding her flight. I will do this every time, for 15 years. If I have to drag woman 1 out of the airport myself or put her in the ER to prevent her from flying each time I will do so. She is a terrorist who should not be allowed to fly. She needs to pay for what she did and I will make her pay. I know everything about her. She refused to wear a mask , delayed the flight and abused the cops and stewards. So I am...