To Delta Airlines

 I want the entitled anti masker woman in the flick photo below and the video below who was kicked off the Delta flight a few years ago for not wearing a mask and being disruptive to be banned from flying on an airplane for at least 15 years (i.e I want her banned from flying on ALL airlines flights). I also want her banned from leaving North America for the rest of her life.

She was disruptive, defiant, abusive and she put the health of the passengers in jeopardy. She is a domestic terrorist and she should not be allowed to fly for at least 15 years and she should not be allowed to leave North America ever again. Flying and traveling out of North America are a PRIVILEGE not a right

I know her name, social media accounts and her address (she lives in Florida). If you do not place force the government to place that domestic terrorist on the No Fly List and ban her from flying for at least 15 years on your airlines and every airline and also if you do not ban her from leaving North America forever within 1 month here is what i will do to that anti masker Karen

I will track her daily life via social media and hire people to cyber stalk her and each time I find out she has a flight booked , I will go to whatever airport she is flying out of and I will each time physically prevent her from boarding her flight. I will do this every time, for 15 years forcing her to stay grounded.  If I have to drag her out of the airport myself or put her in the ER to prevent her from flying each time I will. I will also do this if she has a cruise booked to somewhere outside of North America

She is an entitled, psycho path, monster who needs to be taught a lesson. She is a terrorist for what she did on that flight and either you are going to give her what she deserves (a 15 year ban from flying and a lifetime ban from leaving North America) or I will do physically block her from flying for 15 years each time she tries to fly etc

She is a terrorist who should not be allowed to fly. She needs to pay for what she did and I will make her pay. I know everything about her.  

She blew her chance to fly for 15 years and she blew her chance to travel outside of North America by her refusing to wear a mask, being abusive spitting etc. I promise you I will physically prevent her from flying each time she is about to fly and I will physically prevent her from leaving North America each time she tries if you do not ban her yourself from those things.

I am dead serious on my mother's life.

this video from 10:27 to the end


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